Monday, June 8, 2015

WCP Session 1 : Birkman Personality Test

The Birkman Personality Test is a behavioral assessment that shows you what type of job fields you fit into. In addition, it gives you a color code that gives you a lit of jobs your personality fits into. This method is perfect for students who are getting out of high school and is confused of what career to pursue. In addition, this method helps adults who are struggling to know if they are in the right workplace. It lets you have a idea of where you belong and which job field you belong to.

   Whats my color code?
After taking the Birkman personality test, i found out my two colors: Blue/Yellow. For interest, I got blue and for style, I got yellow. Using these two colors, I can find out what type of jobs fit my personality. As you can see on the image on the right, Blue means I like being innovation and creative. In addition, I like working with Rules & Procedures according to yellow. Both of them colors do fit my personality because I do like planning and organizing before starting a task.

                                                                Job Fields
Keeping in mind my two colors will help me make a better decision when I am choosing a job field.One of the job field that fit my personality is  Education&Training because it does require a lot of planning. In addition, Information Technology because I do like being creative and designing. 

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