Friday, January 23, 2015

Project 2 - Radio Website

In project 2, we had to create a website based on a radio we choose. We had 4 options: ThisAmericanLife, TheMoth, Freakonomics, and RadioLab. I ended up choosing freakonomics because it had a great variety of different topics and was very interesting to listen to. Choosing a podcast was a little hard because there was so many good ones but I ended up choosing, "Why vampires are good for the economy?"

On my homepage, I decided to add a big radio to match with the theme since we were creating a radio website. Inside, the radio, I added freakonomics and putted "On Air" telling the suer I am going to talk about this radio. I added the buttons inside the radio also and for the background, I added a old TV screen to match up with the theme.

On my second page, I decided to make a newspaper like article for the podcast I choose. Inside the newspaper, I explained what the podcast was about.

On my third page, I made a timeline theme since, it was the history of the radio, freakonomics. I added the basic information about the radio such as who are the host and how it started.

On the fourth page of why I choose it, I made it into an article to match up with the theme of my second paper begin a newspaper theme. I talked about why I choose freakonmics and which podcast I choosed and why.

I decided to make a "Help Out" page to make my website fun for the user and added all the javascript I created in the previous labs such as the cloning, contact form, and block.

The last I added was a copyrights page since, I used some of the images from online.

Overall I think I did a great job designed my website however, I really wished I used my time more wisely. It was hard deciding how to make my website so, I decided to make a wireframe/storyboard to help me. I think I should have done this first because it really helped me design my website much faster. I had fun putting all the javascript in my "Help Out" page and I think these skills will help me greatly in the future. Some of the things I can use in the future are to use my time wisely and have a plan before creating a website to save time.

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