Friday, January 23, 2015

Project 2 - Radio Website

In project 2, we had to create a website based on a radio we choose. We had 4 options: ThisAmericanLife, TheMoth, Freakonomics, and RadioLab. I ended up choosing freakonomics because it had a great variety of different topics and was very interesting to listen to. Choosing a podcast was a little hard because there was so many good ones but I ended up choosing, "Why vampires are good for the economy?"

On my homepage, I decided to add a big radio to match with the theme since we were creating a radio website. Inside, the radio, I added freakonomics and putted "On Air" telling the suer I am going to talk about this radio. I added the buttons inside the radio also and for the background, I added a old TV screen to match up with the theme.

On my second page, I decided to make a newspaper like article for the podcast I choose. Inside the newspaper, I explained what the podcast was about.

On my third page, I made a timeline theme since, it was the history of the radio, freakonomics. I added the basic information about the radio such as who are the host and how it started.

On the fourth page of why I choose it, I made it into an article to match up with the theme of my second paper begin a newspaper theme. I talked about why I choose freakonmics and which podcast I choosed and why.

I decided to make a "Help Out" page to make my website fun for the user and added all the javascript I created in the previous labs such as the cloning, contact form, and block.

The last I added was a copyrights page since, I used some of the images from online.

Overall I think I did a great job designed my website however, I really wished I used my time more wisely. It was hard deciding how to make my website so, I decided to make a wireframe/storyboard to help me. I think I should have done this first because it really helped me design my website much faster. I had fun putting all the javascript in my "Help Out" page and I think these skills will help me greatly in the future. Some of the things I can use in the future are to use my time wisely and have a plan before creating a website to save time.

Lab 18 - 4 Slideshows

In lab 18, we had to create 4 different slideshows. I used two cartoons that i created in visual design, winnie the pooh and piglet and changed the images color.

The first one was a normal one that changed the image with the "next" button and went back to the previous image when clicked on the "previous" button. The second slideshow was kind of the same idea but when a user clicked the "next" button, it went all the way to the last image. The third slideshow is the same thing as slideshow 1 but it went vertically inside of going horizontally. In addition, the fourth slideshow was the same thing as the second one but went vertically like the third one.

In order to do this lab, we had to use javascript and css. CSS was used to make our buttons (Next/Previous) and the javascript was added to tell the slider what to do when the buttons are clicked by the users. One of the thing we had to be careful was naming the ids because we couldn't use the same and had to change it for each slider.

I can use this skill in the future when I have to create a website that needs a slider. I really like these sliders because the user gets to choose whether they want to see the next image or go back to the previous.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

WBL Workshop - Resume

On January 12, 2015, we had a WBL workshop about cover letters and resumes in the CTE room. We got introduced to how you can impress a interviewer by your behavior and a good resume. Having good communication skills is very important because it is an easy way to show your interviewer you can work with others. In addition, researching the company is vey important so, you can tell them why you want to work for them.

Resume can be a great step to getting a job. It should include a cover letter also, explaining what type of job you are applying for and you can't have the same for different companies. Inside the resume, keep relevant information that is required for the job you are applying for.

Example of a good resume and what it should look like :    
After you are finish your interview, writing a thank you letter is very good idea because it can impress the interviewer if the interview did't go the way you expected.                                                                                                                        
A sample of a thank you letter