Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Lab 12

In lab 12, we had to pick a subject and create a mini quiz that we could later use to study. We had to make the answers slide down when a user puts the mouse arrow on top of the question. I choose geometry and added 5 questions. To make this lab work, the first step was to attach our jQuery file.  For the questions, I used the tag<dt> Question </dt> and for the answers, I used the tag <dd> Answer </dd>.                                                                                                                                                                     
Javscript was another major step of doing this step. As you can see in the image on the right is the javascript coding I used to make my lab work. The code is basically telling to hide <dd> which are the answers of the questions and slide down the answer if a person puts their mouse arrow on top of the question. 

My HTML coding

I can use what I learned in lab 12 in my future projects to organize my text and make it easier for the user to use my website. In addition, I can use it if I don't want to give a answer and let the user think and when they are ready, they can see if they were right or not. This lab is also a great way to review for geometry because it has the most important things to remember for a test or the regents.

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